This section is still under development
Doubelshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"WIth The Speaker Working... Boop Boop"
ALPS SKCC Green (??/10)
Doubelshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
ALPS SKCC Tall Cream (9/10)
Dye Subbed PBTDoubleshot ABS
"Platinum Alphas" "Dark Mods"Stock Plate
Kallisti PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"Going For A Color Way, How Did I Do?"
Doubleshot ABS (NOS)
Stock Plate
NABUal PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"Who Says Size Matters?"
Zenith Z150 Tempest
ALPS SKCL Green (9/10)
Double Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
ZENITHal PCB rev1, N-Key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"The Tempist Varient Has 4 Seporate Plates!"
Dye Subbed PBT
"163-73"Stock Plate
Stock PCB, Nkey, QMK, Vial 0.71
"What More Could You Ask For?"
SKCL Brown (10/10)
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB
"Yeah... This One Gets To Keep Its Cable"
No Firmware Available
Rama Zenith Ion âś”
ALPS SKCL Brown (9/10)
"ALPS SKCL Amber Spacebar"Dye Subbed PBT
Carbon Fiber Gasket Mounted Plate
Alpine Noon PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"The True Modern Zenith, Using All Zenith Caps!"
ALPS SKCL Cream (7/10)
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
SharpX1al PCB, QMK, Vial 0.71
"The Front Legends are Stock!"
Dye Subbed PBT "IBM 5140"
Pom Gasket Mounted Plate
Gvalcha PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"From A Drop In Replacment Module"
SKCM Un-Dampened Cream (9/10)
"4 Tab Variant "Double Cast Polyurethane
Carbon Steel Plate
KEYMACSal PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"Thank You Vilem For Your Support On This Project"
ALPS SCKM Orange (9/10)
Dye Subbed PBT / AVID Pad Print ABS
Stock Plate
"My Kind Of RGB"
IBM 5556 Multistation
ALPS SKCM Salmon (8/10)
Dye Subbed PBT (OEM, Blue and Black)
Stock Plate
Multistational PCB, QMK, Vial 0.71
"Boy, Did This One Come Out Well!"
ALPS SKCM Bamboo Neon Green (8/10)
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate "Modified"
Stock PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
"This Is Just So Extra... But Why? Just Because..."
ALPS SKCM Dampened Cream (9/10)
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
"Hot Take, Dampened Creams Are Low Key Nice"
Leading Edge DC2014
ALPS SKCM Amber (8/10)
Doubleshot ABS
Custom Plate
Zenithal PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
ALPS SKCM Amber (8/10)
"Two Stage Spings 63.5 M1"Doubleshot ABS / Pad Print Sublegonds
"Zenith ZFL-181-93"
"Omnikey Plus"Brass Top Mounted Plate
Custom Cherakote: Mako
Satisfactional PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
"Bingo Bango Bongo Cat"
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, 2-Key
"Blue Alps Brand New In The Box!"
No Firmware Available
Cumulus TA-15
ALPS SKCM Blue (8.5/10)
Doubleshot ABS / Pad Print
Stock Plate
Stock PCB MCU Swap, N-Key, QMK, Vial
"Those Red On Gray Doubleshoots Though"
ALPS SKCM Pine White (NOS)
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
WysePCal, QMK, Vial
"Every Key Is OG Alps Blue Doubleshot"
NEXUS slider
"ALPS SKCM Salmon"Reverse Dye Subbed PBT
"KAT Space Cadet"Stock Plate "Modified"
OMNIal PCB , N-Key, QMK, Vial
"What A Beast... Nuff Said"
Sono 1 and Sono 2
ALPS Switch Undecided
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Dboardal PCB , N-Key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
Canon Canoword 4100
ALPS Switch Undecided
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Canoworldal PCB , N-Key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
IBM Beamspring (NOS)
Tripple Shot ABS
"IBM 3278 APL"Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-Key, QMK , Vial
"NOS Beamspring.... NOS BEAMSPRING!"
BEAMal - Custom
Doubleshot ABS
Custom Case, Hand-Made Steal Plate
BEAMal PCB, N-Key, QMK , Vial 0.71
"My Magnum Opus"
Double Dye Subbed PBT
"Various IBM Wheelwrighters"
"Elypse Reproduction"Stock Plate "Modified"
Stock PCB "Modified" N-Key, QMK , Vial
"This Is My Favorite Board In The Whole Collection"
Dye subbed PBT
"Various IBM Wheelwrighters"
"Elypse Reproduction"Stock Plate "Modified"
"Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Time.... Thats Whtat This Is"
FSSK - Custom
Dye Subbed PBT
"Model F Keyboards"Chopped Model M Case, Sun Steel Plate
"Not Worth The Effort... But Still... Worth It...."
Dye Subbed PBT
"Unicomp"Stock Model M SSK Case, Bolt Modded
Mini M Membrane, Pi Pico, QMK, Vial
"Gets Overshadowed By His Twin Brother"
IBM Model M (NOS)
Pad Printed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock Membrane, QMK
"Still Trying To Figure Out The Firmware On This One"
No Firmware Available
IBM Model M (NOS)
Dye Subbed PBT
"IBM APL"Stock Plate
Stock Membrane, QMK
"Didn't Know APL Caps Were Unique Per Language"
No Firmware Available
Stock Plate
Stock Controller, Bluetooth, QMK, Vial
"This Is Not A Joke, I Actualy Use This Thing"
Nissho KB106DE
HIPRO Pad Printed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
"See The Rainbow, Taste The Rainbow"
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-Key
"This Is Used For Shop Work, Can You Tell?"
No Firmware Available
Realforce YK11K0
Topre OEM 45g (NOS)
HIPRO Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
"This One Gets To Stay In It's Box"
No Firmware Available
MMClass 0413
Keycaps Undecided
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
Topre Undecided
Keycaps Undecided
Custom Plate
Custom PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
Sony BKE Domes "BKE 9400"
Aluminum Caps "ALUVIA"
Deskeys PC Plate
Deskeys PCB, N-Key, QMK, Vial
"End Game If Ive Ever Seen It"
Dye Subbed PBT "MT3 dev/tty" "Scraft Artisans"
Stock Plate "FC980c"
Alt Controller, N-key, QMK, Vial 0.71
"Gatta Catch Them All"
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
Lilwebsite Controller, N-key
"Lilwebsite Is The Man, Nice Work"
No Firmware Available
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, QMK, Vial
"Using The Stock 4p4c Conection"
"Launching Missles in T - 10... 9... 8..."
"I Wish I Had The Keys For This One"
No Plate
Stock PCB, Ergo Touch Gesture Touchpad
"Gesture Touchpad And A USB Hub!"
No Firmware Available
MX: GWK Alpacas
Dye Subbed PBT
"EPBT Ivory"Custom Case, Custom Aluminum Plate
Sinc PCB Rev3, Hot Swap, N-key, QMK, Vial
"One Of A Kind, CNC'ed Aluminum Case"
Moondrop Dash, Stock Plate
Stock PCB, Hot Swap, N-key, QMK, Vial
"So Thats What I Saved Those Stickers For"
MX: Gateron Oil King
Doubelshot ABS
"GMK Redacted"Jane V2 CE, Carbon Fibre Plate
Hieny H88 PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
"Thanks For Running The Contest!"
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key
"Maybe It Is The Odd Man Out, But It Was My First"
No Firmware Available
Dye Subbed PBT
"Memorex Telex"
"Keyboard Module"Carbon Fiber Plate
Gvalcha PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
"The Bumper Just Hits So Hard"
Televideo 725
Dye Subbed PBT
"Memorex Telex"Stock Plate "Modified"
Gvalcha PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
"As Close To Ansi SI As I Will Ever Get"
Doubleshot ABS / Relegondable ABS
Stock Plate
Lilwebsite PCB, N-Key, QMK
(In Project Phase)
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Lilwebsite PCB, N-Key, QMK
(In Project Phase)
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
"My Nicest Sounding Keyboard"
Doubleshot ABS
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, Wootility 5.0.06b4
"Raw Zinc Alloy Is Really The Way To Go"
Profile: 4afd5fb4a0ad46b3574f4024770c5d453357
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, QMK
(In Restoration Phase)
Frimware Pending
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending
Dye Subbed PBT
Stock Plate
Stock PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
"Clicky Linears... Yeah, It Is As Weird As You Think"
Dye Subbed PBT
"DCS Alps Pingmaster"Custom Plate "Galvanized Steel"
Class80al PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
"Thank you MM Studio for working with me!"
Switches Undecided
Keycaps Undecided
Custom Plate
Custom PCB, N-key, QMK, Vial
(In Project Phase)
Frimware Pending